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60,000 soldiers losing pay over Vaccine
Shinzo Abe's assassins motive being related to a Japanese Cult
Ricky Martin facing 50 years over an incestuous relationship with his nephew
The dark truth behind why The Terminal List got bad reviews
Ivana Trump dying under very suspicious circumstances
LA County Mask Mandate Imminent
England Braces for “Death and Illness” for Healthy and Young
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Full Video Episode:
Ep #35: Trumps Suspicious Death, Incestuous Ricky Martin & The Truth Behind the Terminal List
Articles Discussed
Ivana Trump died of accidental blunt impact injuries to her torso, New York medical examiner says
U.S. Army halting pay, benefits, and active status for 60,000 unvaccinated Guard and Reserve soldiers
Shinzo Abe’s assassin forced to give up college after mother's $722,000 donation to Unification Church, says uncle
England braces for 40C temperatures as experts warn thousands could die
Ricky Martin Allegedly Facing Incest Charges, Could Get Up to 50 Years in Prison
Indoor face mask mandate imminent in LA County: What to know
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Ivanka Trump Dies in Super Suspicious Fashion…
(Raw Unedited Transcription)
According to this article by CNBC
The first wife of ex-president Donald Trump died in an accident as a result of suffering blunt force impact injuries to her torso.
And she was 73 years old and was found dead in her Manhattan residence. So not a car accident died of blunt force trauma, not from a car accident. I thought it was a car accident. The first wife died in an accident as a result, how do you die from blunt impact injuries to your torso in your own apartment?
The New York Attorney General's office said that it had agreed at the request of lawyers for Donald Trump and two of his children to postpone depositions scheduled for next week in light of Ivana's death.
Wow. So that took a turn. I wasn't expecting that. I literally thought this was from a car accident when I pulled up the article.
And it seems to me that there's probably a little bit more to it than that. It says Yvon Trump, the first wife of former president Donald Trump died in an accident as a result of suffering blunt impact injuries to her torso, a senior New York city official with direct knowledge of the matter said the circumstances of her death are consistent with a fall on the stairs.
NBC News reported the official added the death is not suspicious, says the official.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay, bud you fell down the stairs and died from trauma to your stomach. The official added that the death is not suspicious. Yeah. Okay.
The official ruling came a day after IANA was found dead in her Manhattan residence. After the New York fire department responded to a call from there earlier Friday, the New York state attorney General's office said it had agreed to add the request of lawyers for Donald Trump and two of his children to postpone depositions. Geez, I would hope so. A spokesperson for the office of the medical chief examiner said that the cause of Ivanna's death was blunt impact trauma.
And the matter of her death was the manner of her death was an accident.
How do you know that? Unless that individual is literally sitting in the room with her, when she falls down the stairs onto her torso and then dies from it, what there's so many sketchy, like celebrity deaths and things like I still feel like the Bo Biden situation is a little off, I guess he died of like brain cancer.
But it still seems to me any high level official. Who has family or friends or they themselves die. It's always hyper suspicious to me. And this one seems very suspicious. If you don't anything about the staircase documentary on Netflix, this might have not been, the accident that they're alluding to.
I would assume it's pretty difficult to fall downstairs and die from blunt trauma to your torso. I can see that from your head, right? If you fall down some stairs and you bash your head on some concrete or something, that makes way more sense to me than blunt force trauma to your torso.
Trump's divorce in 1990 was acrimonious with both parties, waging their battle in the big apple tab newspaper, the New York Post.
Seems like not the time to be discussing their divorce. Trump 76 married his third wife Melania in 2005, the elder Trump, Donald Jr., And Ivanka had been set to be deposed next week by investigators. Okay, so not Ivan. James is eyeing whether the company's illegally manipulated those valuations for financial benefits, such as reduced tax or favorable loan terms.
Eric Trump previously was deposed in the case, but involved or invoked his fifth amendment. More than 500 times. That's a lot of times Eric
James’ spokesperson on Friday said in light of the passing of Obama, Trump, we received a request for counsel for Donald Trump and his children to adjourn all three depositions.
Now, I don't know the reason why, or what is going on behind the scenes here, but the fact that Trump's being deposed currently for the January 6th deal, and then also happens to have his ex-wife, just talking about the terminal list with large corporations who are killing people off so that they don't go to court and speak about something specific that would harm them, pro their profitability.
And then the ex-wife of the president at 73 seemingly healthy individual falls and dies from. Blunt trauma to her torso. Obviously this is horrible, regardless of where you're living politically, you should obviously have sympathy for the family. That's terrible to happen to anybody, especially in that manner.
How long was she laying there? If that was an accident? The fact that it probably wasn't an accident, in my opinion, based on the circumstances, the timing, and the fact that the most controversial figure in the world's ex-wife dies under weird circumstances, falling down the stairs. Probably seems like the most OG way to assassinate somebody besides showing that they killed themselves, is them falling down the stairs? I don't. Just a guy who watched a lot of murder documentaries but it seems suspect to me again, terrible, horrible. If it's an accident, that's sad. It's terrible.
If it's not an accident, one has to only imagine why, who did this? Why did they do it? But it definitely seems a little, if not a lot, a bit fishy to me. The fact that you generally don't just fall down the stairs, hurt your torso, your chest, your stomach. If you didn't know what a torso was, and also die as a result of that trauma.
What did you fall into that caused that trauma? Are you falling flat on the floor? I just, it makes no sense to me. This is super suspect. And again, terrible for the family, terrible for the individuals involved. But very sad and very suspect situation to have occurred here.
But I don't know what to make of it yet. I guess time will tell. And maybe it won't as we saw with Epstein, cuz you know, the situations that happen here, the same individuals who would do something like this, if the terminal list is right, have enough power have enough wielding in the legal system to where nobody would ever find this out, they would pay off the, who did they say?
The expert added the death was not suspicious. I don't know, seems super suspicious, but to be not suspicious, right? The fact that they just within a day, but before even any information comes out about how it happened, why it happened, I'm sure if you're Yon Trump, you have dozens of cameras in your Manhattan loft mansion.
I don't know. I would assume. I know everybody on the damn street here has a ring on their door. You don't think that Ivana Trump, billions of dollars has a few cameras in her house. and maybe if she does, they will release them, but I wouldn't hold your breath. This goes on to say, this is a secondary article that I clicked on that said that they said that it was not suspicious.
Let's see if it has any more information surrounding the actual event. It talks about Ivana a little bit. It says:
Ivana Trump was a survivor. She fled from communism and embraced this country. She taught her children about grit, toughness, compassion, and determination. She will be dearly missed by her mother, her three children and 10 grandchildren.
Sad just in general, regardless of where you lean or who you believe in or what you think politically 73 year old falling down the stairs and dying from stomach trauma definitely comes with its own suspicions.
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